
的 Office of 多元文化服务 is dedicated to ensuring students feel empowered in their God-given identities, compelled to be critical thinkers and ethical leaders in response to societal issues, encouraged to interact and collaborate with an intercultural commun密度 from a place of respect and understanding.



你好节 is a day-long celebration of divers密度 and a cultural salute to the East Tennessee commun密度. 该节日由 你好 Hora Latina, is part of the local celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. 这是一份邀请 公众 to learn and enjoy the best of our 音乐, food, 艺术, 工艺品 and 更多的. 你好节 特性 拉丁美洲国家展览和广受赞誉的国家游行. 这个节日是一个家庭活动,免费入场.

W. 得宝大街 & N. 盖伊街,诺克斯维尔,田纳西州37902


Greekfest is an annual festival sponsored by Saint George Greek Orthodox Church. 在希腊传统中, members of the 250-family church make and serve exquisite ‘old country’ dishes. Greekfest 提供美味的食物, 美味的甜点, 现场希腊音乐和民间舞蹈, 购物/从希腊进口礼物. 该节日每年10月举行,为期两天半.



Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge hosts the popular 国际艺术节 annually. Experience culture, food, entertainment from around the world. 24个国家的代表参加了国际集市. 音乐家和舞者用传统的歌声使人群激动不已, 跳舞, 仪器, 还有五颜六色的服装. 手工展示为活动增添了更多的风味.

461 W. 外部博士,橡树岭,TN 37830•(865)482-1074


的 festival begins with a parade followed by meditation chanting, 跳舞, 器乐表演, 还有更多的舞蹈. 接着是文化歌曲、和服表演和另一场游行. 食品摊贩售卖寿司, 马来西亚的食物, 日本, 素食主义者, 菲律宾, 台湾, 印度, 老挝, 越南, 日本, 中国人, 泰国. 表演和武术. Each participating Asian country showcases the best of its rich traditions, 工艺品, 艺术, 和纺织品. Children’s Activities help to introduce children of all ages and ethnic backgrounds to Asian cultures and history. 这个节日每年八月举行.


Kuumba 节日

来自美国的人.S. and Africa come together to demonstrate the shared heritage of the African, African American and African Appalachian communities in diaspora and to show how this heritage is an integral part of the culture of this 注册ion. 的 Kuumba 节(“kuumba(在斯瓦希里语中是创造力的意思)展示了视觉艺术, 民间艺术, 跳舞, 剧院, 音乐, 讲故事, 游戏和食物.

市场广场,诺克斯维尔,TN 37902•(865)217-6786


诺克斯维尔 Opera’s 罗西尼的节日 brings a taste of Europe to East TN and celebrates the color, 歌剧和意大利文化的乐趣和刺激. 这个节日有两部歌剧作品, 艺术展览, 品酒会, a wide variety of other commun密度 事件 with a vibrant Italian Street Fair in which 诺克斯维尔’s Gay Street is transformed from a busy downtown thoroughfare to a festive European festival with six stages featuring a range of entertainment options, 高档的工匠市场, the smells and tastes of authentic Mediterranean foods and beverages, 还有一个专门的儿童娱乐区, 娱乐和游戏.

S. 盖伊街,诺克斯维尔,田纳西州37902•(865)524-0795


的 国际美食节 is a fundraising event for a school, where the money goes towards paying tuition for students on financial aid. 该活动定于周六举行, 8月19日, 2023, 从上午11点到下午5点, 门票1美元. 届时将有来自25个不同国家的美食, 还有文化表演, 工艺品, 游戏, 还有很多供应商. 欲了解更多信息,请通过gofoodfest与我们联系.org.

World’s Fair Park Performance Lawn 720 11th Street 诺克斯维尔, TN 37916


这个民间节日庆祝阿巴拉契亚的传统, 尊重过去丰富的传统, 并支持对这些传统的现代诠释. Over 50 juried crafters will showcase their work during the festival. 你将有机会观看和购买精美的艺术品, 民间艺术, 陶器, 篮子, 摄影, 木工, 沐浴产品, 珠宝, 装饰绘画, 蜡烛, 还有其他手工制作的物品.

访问ors to this family-friendly event enjoy a variety of activities including two stages of mountain 音乐, 讲故事, 获奖的舞者, 地区的作者, 孩子们的活动, 还有丰富的美食.

的 festival 特性 a variety of mountain 音乐 including old time, 蓝草音乐, 凯尔特, 传统的福音, 洋琴, 和风笛. Prize-winning clogging teams, line 跳舞rs, nationally recognized Tsoya 印第安舞者在杰克逊街表演.

A special feature is a live demonstration of traditional 工艺品 such as blacksmithing, 隐藏晒黑, 制作篮子, 养蜂, 制作扫帚, 削木和做苹果酱. 邦联老兵的儿子们组成了一个内战展览.

442 W. 北二街.,莫里斯敦,TN 37814•(423)581-4330


的 国际美食节 is a day-long annual event hosted by HOLA Lakeway each September. 在这里, members of the immigrant commun密度 are invited to share their customs and traditions, 从食物到歌舞. 这 event was started in 2016 by HOLA to promote both divers密度 and un密度 in the Lakeway 注册

P.O. 莫里斯敦3246号信箱,田纳西州37815


Tertulias are cultural meetings where commun密度 members come together and learn about the different cultures in our communities. Tertulia的意思是“让我们谈谈”. It is used in Latin countries for welcoming friends to have conversations that matter. 的 idea of Tertulia will allow our clients and commun密度 members to have an open dialog and learn from each other.

P.O. 莫里斯敦3246号信箱,田纳西州37815


一整天的美食、娱乐和音乐 & 更多的 to celebrate the liberation of African slaves in the United States 由凯莎·门罗主持 & 莫里斯敦潜水员特遣队密度.

P.O. 莫里斯敦3246号信箱,田纳西州37815



奖励、竞赛, 音乐. In 纪念马丁·路德·金. 由莫里斯敦多样性特别工作组提出

P.O. 莫里斯敦3246号信箱,田纳西州37815


的 非常顺利 Task Force will proudly present this play to 非常顺利 on February 25, 2023 1955年1点在WSCC剧院, 蜀葵属植物 Gibson 和安琪拉 Buxton were world-ranked tennis players … yet no one wanted to partner with them in women’s doubles. 事实上,几乎没有人愿意和他们交谈. 战后的美国仍然非常 种族隔离 网球界仍然非常反犹太. Eight years after Jackie Robinson had broken the color line in major league baseball, 网球世界 落后于坚持其乡村俱乐部的根基. 蜀葵属植物, 一位来自哈莱姆区的黑人妇女, 和安琪拉, 一位来自利物浦的犹太妇女, 是两个国家的弃儿. So 他们决定在国外联合起来. 当时发生的事情创造了历史. (长度应用. 55分钟)

P.O. 莫里斯敦3246号信箱,田纳西州37815


Task force on divers密度 hosts a 跳舞 competition in 非常顺利 TN

P.O. 莫里斯敦3246号信箱,田纳西州37815


庆祝的一天 当奴隶在 TN.这 包括 食品、飞溅 垫, 非常有趣.

P.O. 莫里斯敦3246号信箱,田纳西州37815

印第安人 庆祝活动

的y offer a variety of educational presentations on American 印度 topics, 包括聚会, 讲故事, 生活的历史, 和当前 事件


这 department on campus celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month, 印第安人 印度 Heritage Month, 马丁路德•金纪念日, 黑人历史月, 妇女历史月, Asian American Pacific Islander Month with students on campus, as well as inviting commun密度 members to be apart of the festivities. 他们的Instagram主页是@cnmulticultural . 的 Univers密度 日历 will have updated information on upcoming 事件.


这 department works to strengthen the international and intercultural dimensions of the campus through a diverse range of curricular and co-curricular programs. 这是大学的核心使命 department provides programming that is committed to the Christian values of servanthood, 领导力培训, 以及全球拓展. 每年的庆祝活动包括 春节、护照日、 以及通过校园国际俱乐部开展的项目. 的 Univers密度 日历 will have updated information on upcoming 事件.



